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The solution to plastic and other litter entering the environment will require action from all sorts of stakeholders across the world.


Any solutions taken must be carefully considered to make sure they address the root cause of the issue and are well suited  to preventing plastic ending up in the environment. The initial focus should be on the prevention of plastic and other litter entering the ocean.


The UN's recent Ocean Conference 2017 recognised the importance of addressing marine pollution as a socioeconomic issue, requiring the encouragement of reuse and recycling, the development of converting plastic to energy and behaviour change interventions to stop the leakage of plastic into the wider environment. It also noted the importance of capacity building in developing states around waste management infrastructure.


Source: The Ocean Conference, New York, 5-9 June 2017. Concept Paper on Partnership dialogue 1: Addressing marine pollution.

Governments discuss plastic waste in the ocean
NGOs working on marine litter
Plastic-free beach and person
Plastic factory machine line
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