Marine Litter:
The Facts
There are plenty of NGOs doing great work to help prevent litter from damaging our environment.​

The most effective way for NGOs to address litter in our environment is to:
Tackle behaviour change around waste management and littering.
You can see a collection of best practice from around the world endorsed by the Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) here.​
Marine Litter Solutions provides a database of different projects taking place globally and can provide useful inspiration for new projects.
- ​Address waste management infrastructure in existing countries.
This could expand on projects already helping high leakage countries:
Waste Aid - provides sharing of best practice.
Plastic Bank - monetises waste in countries where waste is escaping into the ocean.
Guppyfriend - Provides a solution to tackle the issues of microfiber leaking into the ocean.
Help reduce litter in the environment through beach and neighbourhood clean ups.
Beach cleans can help prevent items entering the seas and oceans, but street cleans are also important because litter can travel to the water. We also know that once some litter is visible, more will follow so clean ups are also part of prevention.
If you’re interested in turning plastic collected from the ocean into new items, check out Waste Free Oceans, who collect and upcycle ocean plastic.